What is a flow meter? A flow meter is a specialized form of device that measures the mass or flow of a liquid or gas in a pipeline.

Post date: 05-08-2020

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What is a flow meter?
Nowadays, it is very easy to come across various types of household water meters. It is also a form of flow meter, which is one of the most important and most commonly used devices.
What is a flow meter?
A flow meter is a specialized form of device that measures the mass or flow of a liquid or gas in a pipeline.
Depending on the structure of each type of meter, they can notify the flow rate, volume of water and gas that have passed. Or they can receive and transmit pulse signals to the control cabinet.

Currently, Komax.net has many types of flow meters to meet the needs of family activities and industrial projects such as: Water meter for domestic DN15, DN20, DN25; Clean water meter DN32, DN40, DN50; Waste water meter DN50, DN65, DN80, ...


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